Finished portrait of my son. This was a tough challenge and I really struggled. The flesh tones were not as difficult as the features were. I struggled with the eyes and I think that's partly because my photo was of poor quality. In the end I decided I needed to put a conventional eye on his right side instead of the shadowy one in the photo in order for it to read better as a portrait. I may work his lips a little more and am debating whether his upper eye lids need to be closed more. I am satisfied that this portrait bares a strong resemblance to my son. I am setting him aside for now and moving on to a landscape.
Am trying a linen canvas for the first time and am anxious to see if I notice a difference. The reference is a photo I shot at a nature center of three leafless (dead?) trees standing side by side. I call them "the three ladies" because they have an elegance in their bare silhouette that I look forward to capturing and the colors are kind of surreal as the photo was snapped just before dusk. Looking forward to a looser style after the tightness and intense concentration a portrait requires.
Adding close-up of eyes after a glint was added!
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